Melihat Indahnya Kota Damaskus dari Gunung Qasioun Suriah

2 months ago 58

Foto Travel

REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi - detikTravel

Kamis, 09 Jan 2025 12:30 WIB

Damaskus - Kehidupan kembali ke Gunung Qasioun setelah Assad jatuh. Orang-orang bisa menikmati indahnya kota Damaskus dari ketinggian di gunung tersebut.

People visit Mount Qasioun, overlooking the Syrian capital, which had been closed to visitors for almost fourteen years under the rule of ousted President Bashar al-Assad, and has since become crowded with visitors following the fall of his regime, in Damascus, Syria, January 7, 2025. REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi

Orang-orang berkumpul pada Selasa (7/1) di Gunung Qasioun di Damaskus, menghisap sheesha, menyantap makanan ringan, dan menikmati tempat nongkrong yang hanya mereka ingat dari beberapa tahun yang lalu.

People visit Mount Qasioun, overlooking the Syrian capital, which had been closed to visitors for almost fourteen years under the rule of ousted President Bashar al-Assad, and has since become crowded with visitors following the fall of his regime, in Damascus, Syria, January 7, 2025. REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi

Gunung Qasioun, yang menghadap ke ibu kota Suriah, dilarang dikunjungi selama hampir empat belas tahun selama pemerintahan presiden terguling Bashar al-Assad.  

People visit Mount Qasioun, overlooking the Syrian capital, which had been closed to visitors for almost fourteen years under the rule of ousted President Bashar al-Assad, and has since become crowded with visitors following the fall of his regime, in Damascus, Syria, January 7, 2025. REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi

Selama sebulan terakhir, tempat itu telah dipadati orang-orang yang menuju ke sana sejak jatuhnya Assad.  

People visit Mount Qasioun, overlooking the Syrian capital, which had been closed to visitors for almost fourteen years under the rule of ousted President Bashar al-Assad, and has since become crowded with visitors following the fall of his regime, in Damascus, Syria, January 7, 2025. REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi

Saat malam, pemandangannya juag indah. Assad, pemimpin Suriah selama hampir 25 tahun, melarikan diri ke Rusia setelah kelompok antipemerintah menguasai Damaskus pada tanggal 8 Desember, mengakhiri kekuasaan Partai Baath, yang telah berkuasa sejak tahun 1963.

People visit Mount Qasioun, overlooking the Syrian capital, which had been closed to visitors for almost fourteen years under the rule of ousted President Bashar al-Assad, and has since become crowded with visitors following the fall of his regime, in Damascus, Syria, January 7, 2025. REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi

Cahaya di tengah kota terlihat indah dari gunung tersebut. Pengambilalihan itu terjadi setelah pejuang Hayat Tahrir al-Sham merebut kota-kota utama dalam serangan kilat yang berlangsung kurang dari dua minggu.

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